Tax Alert: Proposed Adoption of New Overseas Income Rules
Tax & Legal Tax Alert: Proposed Adoption of New Overseas Income Rules
Last year, the Thai Revenue Department (“TRD”) issued Departmental Instructions No. Paw 161/2023 and Paw 162/2023 concerning foreign-sourced income. According to these instructions, any Thai tax resident with foreign-sourced income will be taxed in Thailand when such income is remitted into the country, regardless of when you remit it.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
Sanporn Sanpatchaya
| 2 min read |
New Announcement of the BOI regarding the promotion of Digital Industry
Tax and Legal update 4/2024 New Announcement of the BOI regarding the promotion of Digital Industry
On 15 March 2024, the Board of Investment (“BOI”) published an Announcement No. Sor 2/2024 by virtue of the Investment Promotion Act 1977, to promote investment in digital businesses in response to changing business operations and technology in the digital industry.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
Sanporn Sanpatchaya
| 1 min read |
Promoting ESG excellence through tax
ESG Promoting ESG excellence through tax
ESG has become a vital component to business, with increasing scrutiny on companies to achieve sustainability-related goals. Join us as we examine how to add value to your ESG agenda through the latest global tax and ESG developments.
4 min read |
Focus on your Core, Outsource the Rest: Navigating the Future of Competitive Business by Tikomporn Kuanpoonpol
Report Focus on your Core, Outsource the Rest: Navigating the Future of Competitive Business by Tikomporn Kuanpoonpol
2024 is set to be a year of mass disruption as long-standing business models are tested by the rapid pace of technological advancement, causing economic upheaval around the world. In the last great technological leap, we saw traditional businesses such as Blockbuster, Tower Records and Kodak disappear as Netflix, Spotify and Instagram came from nowhere to dominate.
Thai Revenue Department conducts public hearings on the draft legislation regarding Pillar Two
Tax and Legal update 3/2024 Thai Revenue Department conducts public hearings on the draft legislation regarding Pillar Two
On 7 March 2024, the Cabinet agreed and approved the principle of OECD Pillar Two, also known as Global Minimum Tax, and tasked the Thai Revenue Department (“TRD”) with formulating the corresponding legislation.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
Paul Cornelius
Sanporn Sanpatchaya
| 6 min read |
Transfer Pricing update 2022
TAX AND LEGAL Transfer Pricing update 2022
This tax news will be of interest to: Thai tax entities with a total annual revenue of more than THB 200 million, which have also had transactions with related companies
Narumol Limprasert
Country-by-Country Reporting: Notification Requirements in Thailand
Tax and Legal Country-by-Country Reporting: Notification Requirements in Thailand
The Country-by-Country reporting notification must generally be filed as soon as possible and no later than 12 months after the last day of the accounting year.
Transfer Pricing update and the New E-Services Tax
TAX AND LEGAL Transfer Pricing update and the New E-Services Tax
This newsletter provides an update on Thailand’s Country-by-Country Reporting regulations involving various business circumstances, for accounting periods beginning after 1 January 2020.
Tax filing and payment deferrals: Are they enough?
TAX AND LEGAL Tax filing and payment deferrals: Are they enough?
With Thai businesses and citizens tightening their belts amid the COVID-19 economics crisis, we examine whether the Thai government's current tax reduction will provide sufficient help.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
The Thai government’s economic response to COVID-19
TAX AND LEGAL The Thai government’s economic response to COVID-19
To alleviate the economic hardship caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Thai government will implement several fiscal and tax policies.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
Complying with the PDPA – A Balancing Act
TAX AND LEGAL Complying with the PDPA – A Balancing Act
Organisations must be aware of the circumstances in which they are allowed to collect data to comply with Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha
RCEP Confirmed: The Formation of Asia Pacific’s Largest Regional Trade Bloc
TAX AND LEGAL RCEP Confirmed: The Formation of Asia Pacific’s Largest Regional Trade Bloc
This article examines the RCEP trade agreement as it stands in late 2019, while also comparing it to the CPTPP agreement.
Tanva Mahitivanichcha

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