Your accounts must be closed every twelve months, except for the first period which may be less than twelve months from the registration date until the end of the fiscal year. Your annual financial statements shall be audited by a certified public accountant. Finally, your audited financial statements, in Thai language, must submitted to the Ministry of Commerce within 150 days after the year-end. We will take care of all of this for you.


Our monthly services include:


  • Prepare journal vouchers, receipt vouchers and payment vouchers and other concern with accounting transaction record e.g., invoice issuing.
  • File external and internal original documents.
  • Process data into accounting system.
  • Maintain the general ledger to ensure the accounting transactions are in accordance with Thai Accounting Standards.
  • Prepare appropriate withholding tax (PND3, PND53, PND54), monthly tax filling for Input & Output tax (PP30, PP36) including monthly tax submission to RD.
  • Perform bank and balance sheet account reconciliations on a monthly basis.
  • Perform statements (comprising trial balances, statements of financial position and related statements of income) on a monthly basis.
  • Prepare payment proposal for Company approval


Our annual services are:


  • Co-ordinate and liaise with the external auditor during the year-end audit
  • Prepare corporate income tax (CIT) returns for half-year corporate income tax return (PND 51) and annual corporate income tax return (PND 50)
  • Perform annual financial statements (comprising statements of financial position, statements of income and expenses, changes in head office’s account and disclosures summarising significant accounting policies and others)
  • Perform Annual Summary Financial Report (“Sor Bor Chor 3”) for the Ministry of Commerce.
  • Perform the annual report relating to the international investment position for the Bank of Thailand (“Sor Bor Chor 3/1 Form”)
  • Submit the audited financial statements, Form Sor Bor Chor 3, Form Sor Bor Chor 3/1 with supporting documents via the e-filing system of the Ministry of Commerce web site
  • Sign your annual account with a qualified certified accountant which is required by law in Thailand.

Accounting Services

Our Services include:

  • Invoices booking (AP & AR)
  • Bank transactions booking
  • Journal entries booking (payroll, provisions and VAT preparation)
  • General Ledger booking
  • Bank reconciliations booking
Andrew McBean
Partner - Business Consulting
Andrew McBean