Internal audit
In today's increasingly competitive and regulated market place, organisations - both public and…
At Grant Thornton, our International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) advisers can help you navigate the…
Audit quality monitoring
Having a robust process of quality control is one of the most effective ways to guarantee we deliver…
Global audit technology
We apply our global audit methodology through an integrated set of software tools known as the…
Looking for permanent staff
Grant Thornton's executive recruitment is the real executive search and headhunting firms in Thailand.
Looking for interim executives
Interim executives are fixed-term-contract employees. Grant Thornton's specialist Executive Recruitment team can help you meet your interim executive needs
Looking for permanent or interim job
You may be in another job already but are willing to consider a career move should the right position at the right company become available. Or you may not be…
Practice areas
We provide retained recruitment services to multinational, Thai and Japanese organisations that are looking to fill management positions and senior level roles in Thailand.
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Executive recruitment portal
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Executive recruitment portal
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Available positions for executive recruitment portal
General intelligence assessments
The Applied Reasoning Test (ART) is a general intelligence assessment that enables you to assess the level of verbal, numerical reasoning and problem solving capabilities of…
Candidate background checks
We provide background checks and employee screening services to help our clients keep their organisation safe and profitable by protecting against the numerous…

Capital markets
If you’re buying or selling financial securities, you want corporate finance specialists experienced in…
Corporate simplification
Corporate simplification
Expert witness
Expert witness
Family office services
Family office services
Financial models
Financial models
Forensic Advisory
Independent business review
Does your company need a health check? Grant Thornton’s expert team can help you get to the heart of…
Mergers & acquisitions
Mergers & acquisitions
Operational advisory
Grant Thornton’s operational advisory specialists can help you realise your full potential for growth.
Raising finance
Raising finance
Restructuring & Reorganisation
Grant Thornton can help with financial restructuring and turnaround projects, including…
Risk management
Risk management
Technology & Digital Services
Technology Services
Transaction advisory
Transaction advisory
Human Capital Consulting
From time to time, companies find themselves looking for temporary accounting resources. Often this is…
Strategy & Business Model
Strategy & Business Model
Process Optimisation & Finance Transformation
Process Optimisation & Finance Transformation
System & Technology
System & Technology
Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
International tax
With experts working in more than 130 countries, Grant Thornton can help you navigate complex tax…
Licensing and incentives application services
Licensing and incentives application services
Transfer pricing
If your company operates in more than one country, transfer pricing affects you. Grant Thornton’s…
Global mobility services
Employing foreign people in Australia, or sending Australian people offshore, both add…
Tax compliance and tax due diligence review services
Tax compliance
Value-Added Tax
Value-Added Tax
Customs and Trade
Customs and Trade
Service Line
グラントソントン・タイランド サービスライン
Business Process Outsourcing
Companies, large and small, need to focus on core activities. Still, non-core activities are important, and…
Technology and Robotics
We provide practical digital transformation solutions anchored in business issues and opportunities.…
Technical Accounting Solutions
The finance function is an essential part of the organisation and chief financial officer (CFO) being the…
Accounting Services
Whether you are a local Thai company or a multinational company with a branch or head office in…
Staff Augmentation
We offer Staff Augmentation services where our staff, under the direction and supervision of the company’s…
Payroll Services
More and more companies are beginning to realize the benefits of outsourcing their noncore…
IBR Optimism of Thailand Mid-Market Leaders Suggests Potential Underestimation of Challenges Ahead: International Business Report, Q1 2024Bangkok, Thailand, April 2024 — The Grant Thornton International Business Report (IBR) for Q1 2024 unveils a strikingly optimistic outlook among Thailand's mid-market business leaders, juxtaposed with the looming challenges that will shape the nation's economic future. With a Business Health Index score of 13.5, Thailand outperforms its ASEAN, Asia-Pacific, and global counterparts, signaling a robust confidence that may overshadow critical issues such as demographic changes, skills shortages, and the necessity for digital advancement.
Workshop Corporate Strategy and Company Health Check WorkshopThroughout this workshop, we will delve into the life cycle of companies, examining the stages of growth, maturity, and adaptation. Our focus will extend to the current business environment, where your Company stands today, and how our evolving strategy aligns with the ever-changing market dynamics.
Tax and Legal update 1/2024 Introducing the New “Easy E-Receipt” Tax scheme with up to THB 50,000 in Tax DeductionsThe Revenue Department has introduced the latest tax scheme, the “Easy E-Receipt”, formerly known as “Shop Dee Mee Kuen”. This scheme is designed to offer individuals tax deductions in 2024.
TAX AND LEGAL Complying with the PDPA – A Balancing ActOrganisations must be aware of the circumstances in which they are allowed to collect data to comply with Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act.
With 2019 now well underway, distinct themes are beginning to emerge that are likely to shape global economic developments for the remainder of the year. Amid likely slowdowns within some of the major world economies, developing regions such as ASEAN will have a golden opportunity to take the initiative. The question is whether key countries such as Thailand will make the necessary adjustments in order to capitalise on their good fortune.
The US and China are entering a stage of their trade war that seems likely to solidify into a longer-term stalemate unless the main issues between them are resolved. Even setting the trade war aside, however, both of these countries face an extra set of problems within their own borders. The US government shutdown – the longest in its history – was a symptom of the political unease in Washington. And China’s economic slowdown will similarly test the strength of its leadership to steer the ship forward without a strong economy to prop it up.
In Europe, the unresolved issues surrounding Brexit continue to disrupt the UK’s ability to plan for its economic future. Political movements elsewhere, including the continuing Yellow Vests protests in France, suggest that the anticipated global economic slowdown in 2019 could lead to some tense moments in governance.
Thailand may also feel the effects of that slowdown, but fears of recession seem unwarranted as a modest but steady outlook is expected for the year. Overall, Thailand’s economic foundation remains strong and its position as chair of ASEAN offers the valuable opportunity of demonstrating leadership in the region at the very moment that its opportunity to positively impact the global economy is at its greatest.
With a growing middle class, strong workforce, powerful investment base, and incentive programmes through the BOI, Thailand’s business potential is formidable. But we live in a time of technology-based disruption, and Thai companies have yet to show that they are agile and adaptable enough to build forward-looking business models that can withstand disruption from outside. AI, robotics, 3D printing, and data analytics are expected to play a big role in the coming decade – which means that Thai companies must be ready to take full advantage of these technologies.
To succeed in today’s rapidly evolving digital era, companies in Thailand will need to show a real willingness to adopt new ways of doing business. Low overhead will be a necessity for many companies, as will flexible business models, innovative ideas, and a keen sense of which way the wind is blowing.
The next 12-24 months will separate the companies that are prepared for this fast-moving digital ecosystem, from the ones still stuck with old and outdated internal structures. Thailand’s government needs to facilitate speedier access to business licences and incentive programmes across various industries, but companies must also do their part to usher in the new era of advanced business that the new wave of international investors has come to expect.
By making the necessary adjustments when real opportunities are available and ASEAN’s regional spotlight is shining directly on Thailand, business leaders and politicians can show the way forward for a new decade of growth and prosperity across the region.